> Question about investments and licensing?

Question about investments and licensing?

Posted at: 2014-12-05 
Wait...someone will loan you money and all they get is a percentage of your return? Why would anyone do that? What happens if you lose money? Why would anyone take on risk for only a percentage of the return on that risk? I charged investors 2/20 for my hedge fund which invested in all kinds of things you can;t invest in and was full of Ph.D./CFA types who are better than you at everything.

Finding people to dish out their money to you may be a problem.

Kinda like saying "Anyone can be President". Easy to say, but hard to do. (or it should be "Anyone can be a GOOD President".)


Penny stocks, also known as cent stocks in some countries, are common shares of small public companies that trade at low prices per share. They are notoriously risky but if you follow a special method I've learned you can earn good money at almost no risk. This is the site I use: http://pennystocks.toptips.org

I definitely recommend subscribing to this site in particular. Very good research, quality stocks. I was a bit weary of penny stocks from all the bad hype they receive but this guy is pretty legit. He's put my mind at ease with a lot of the fears I've had. I especially like that he doesn't send out announcements left and right. I've signed up for other websites that fill my in-box with one company after the other. I don't know where to even start with so many choices in front of me! Nathan sends me one idea a week and that's all I need. Working so many hours during the week leaves me with very little time when I get home to start doing tons of penny stock research. I'm always eager to see what Nathan's next suggestion is each Friday and I love having time on the weekend to do my research.

As said above if you want to make money with penny stocks you have to follow some proven methods. This one in my opinion is the best: http://pennystocks.toptips.org

Hope it helps.

Depends on where you are, in some places YES, in other places NO.

And without knowing where you are - how do you expect us to guess lol, you could of at least said "in the state of california"

You're misusing the word "loan." A "loan" is when you BORROW money - like from a bank,. Managing investments with other peoples' money is totally different and yes, of course you must be licensed.

You are designing a Ponzi scheme and it is illegal.

Do i have to have a special license to get people to loan me money to invest in my portfolio.

Lets say i want to invest 5k but don't have the money but know i can get others to dish it out for me to use and will give them a percentage of the gain plus whatever they invested.

Do i need to have some kind of license? If so what is the license called and how do i go about getting it?