> Realistic ways of making big money?

Realistic ways of making big money?

Posted at: 2014-12-05 
Statistically, there is a very little chance of you achieving that goal, reasons being:

- there is positive correlation between risk and reward, i.e. if you would like to get say 100% return on your investment, most likely there is 99.9% chance you are going to loose it all so there is very very very small probability you can turn your capital into lousy £4k any time soon, not to mention turning it into "big money"

- most new businesses fail for various reasons but usually due to the fact that the owners do not have appropriate financial knowledge. So if you start your own business with your £2k there is again very little chance it will turn into something really big. I'm not saying it is not possible, no. The chance is small, like your chance to win big when you play lottery.

This is the reality of life. Good luck

First, you have the drive. Good job. Keep it up. And never give up. Invest the money and keep adding to it. You'll have a ton of money in about 40 years. In terms of life/job, work harder than everyone else, listen and learn as much as you can from successful people. Work in an industry that rewards the above financially. You'll do just fine. Don't listen to naysayers.

Realistically, you can't turn £2,000 into "big money".

To get "big money", you have to start with "big money".

More education,,, much more

Ideally I'd like someone with a successful background to answer this question.

I'm 17 at the moment and I live in the UK, I'd like to get into investing the money I've saved up all my life - ~£2,000. What are the chances of turning this money into big money? I'll re-word that, HOW do I turn this into big money? I'm sure you have been through the phase of wanting to become rich, everyone does it but not everyone realises their potential.

This summer I'm willing to work hard to pursue my goal, I need this money badly and will give up anything for it.

I'm currently in college and still have 1 more year of it, after that I'll start an apprenticeship or something.

I need opportunities, just like you did/do.

Let's do this.