> Should I Drop Out of College??

Should I Drop Out of College??

Posted at: 2014-12-05 
dude your almost done! stay in college because that way when you get your degree after you leave college and try doing other things like you said investments. If any of them back fire and you lose money youll have a college degree as a backup plan and with that college degree no matter what you can get a job and create a extra money source to fund your new thoughts of investing. I have 2 years of college left, and i flip cars and clothes and phones. My career in college is still schedual under Undecided. I love making money and hate college. You dont need college to be successful but you need it to help you get a job that pays good.

Stay in school and finish it. This way while you're in school you have 1 year to think about what you want to do. Think about how you want plan out your career in investment real estate. If you drop out of college with no plans then you better hope whatever your plan is, it works. If you finish college and you figure out a plan by next year then you follow your plan. If the plan ends up an utter failure at least you'll have your degree to fall back on.

Failure to plan is a plan to fail.


Finish school. That degree sticks with you for life man. You can always go into business next year. You are very close to finishing it.

Get that degree, head out and make millions!

Everyone who quit school regret it!

Also, if you are thinking about Jobs and gates and people like that, I will tell you this. Quitting school had nothing to do with their success. They would have done whatever they did even with a degree. They are shining examples that you can be successful no matter what your background is.

What they are NOT is an encouragement to quit school!

All the best.

Finish the school. By the time you finish it, you will have enough knowledge to draft a plan. You can continue to do some business on the side. Or change your major.

finish school...that is the plan.....It would be different perhaps if you had a viable alternative but by your own admission you have no idea what you would do if you dropped out....$18,000 might seem large but it is a trivial amount in real life...especially if you are on your one...rent alone will chew up $9,000 to $10,000 in a year...I assume you are living at home still.

Finish, once you quit you wont go back, its important to get the degree.

I am 21 and in my 3rd year at a 4 year university. I have a very entrepreneurial spirit which has lead me to seriously consider dropping out for the past 6 months. Over the last 3 years I have had many experiences which have helped me to build up a small net worth of roughly $18,000, such as flipping cars, investing stocks, selling high end cars for international students, and even flipping a foreclosed auction home for a small profit. I have come to realize that I have no interest in wasting more money to pursue a degree that I no longer have a desire to get. The problem is I have no plan, I am caught in a limbo of having absolutely no desire to do school work but yet don't have enough courage to drop out without some sort of plan. I have a direction of interest which is investment real estate such as rehab homes, forclosures, ect. and I do have most of my money invested in a couple of good stocks. But I have no regular income, and no plan. Please help, all advice is appreciated!!!!!