Just the opposite. Invest the entire 401(k) in the target date fund and get rid of the individual stocks. You need more diversification.
You are misunderstanding the whole point of a target date fund. It internally makes the asset allocation between stocks and bonds for you.
Diversify and conquer.
Go to assetbuilders.com and check out Couch Potato Portfolio. Low cost ETF's, especially from Vanguard, are excellent buys.
Actually, you should get rid of the stocks and move it to the target investment fund. Four stocks are not enough diversification.
maybe - target fund also has cash and bonds in it
I'm 21 and I was going over my 401k investment portfolio that I opened a couple years back. I didn't know much about what I was doing when I was investing but I invested in 20% each in 4 different stocks and a target date fund. Should I get rid of the target date fund? Doesn't it kind of defeat the purpose of it when I have 80% of the rest of my portfolio invested in stocks?