Are you for real? Sorry but I think you're a troll. The fake bad spelling gives you away.
But in case you're for real, I have a stock tip. Take everything you have, mortgage your house and cash in your retirement pension, and buy Blackberry. That company is going places. There is lots of upside potential there.
it depends on your self how you choose to do it.
once you fell it's ok for you the rise is as expected you can sell.
it's better to sell them at the right time when everything is ok before getting into any troubles.
BKS and JCP stocks are running worth-a-while.
only you can make that decision
you will pay cap gain tax on any profit you make
you should get a potato and invest in that
I inharited some money about 20 years ago and am now ready to retire. Problem is that I put most of the inheritence in JC Penney and Barnes and Noble stock. I didn't pay much attentiun to the stock market over the years and now JC Penny is worthless and Barnes and Noble is in trouble!! I am taking huge losses. Is there a way like bankrupscy or something that gets my money backk?
I did put some of the money into the WWE stock cuz ima wrestinling fan and that sok.
I put $300,000 into JC Peney and $100000 in bks. my stupid family didnt want me to put more into wrestling stock but I was right. Only got to put $50,000 in WWE.