With Forex, you need a large amount of initial capital, and $1,000 won't cut it.
For beginners, start with long-term buy-and-hold trading. Don't attempt to day trade unless you've mastered the stock market.
Return on investment is variable, since different stocks or currencies perform differently. You can do good at either, and still make good money. It doesn't matter which one you do.
The only benefit that Forex provides is the ability to trade 24/7, which stock markets do not offer. They're more affected by macroeconomic news.
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So im 19 and just set up a share dealing account with 1k savings. I know it is rare to make money and I wont make much but in terms of potential. Which is better to individually trade with and in terms of general process - make more from? which one is easier? highest short term returns? and which requires more work/research to be put in?
I just want a heads up as to whether I concentrate my time researching and trading stocks or forex as I want to know which is worth my while in terms of making the most money out of the two.
Also, what are the best online trading platforms to use and should I trade online or through a broker and is there more money to be made in intraday or tading over months?
Look forward to hearing responses