VOE is also very good.
RSH stinks and is going to go bankrupt. But it's surged recently. Sell and take your profits.
I don't like penny stocks and can't find anything on WEB. Sell it.
MCET appears nearly worthless. Sell it.
SLTD has surged since mid-July. But it, too, has terrible fundamentals. Sell it and take your profit.
SIRI (Sirius) isn't great, but it's a real company and far better than those penny stocks you own. You can buy it if you want.
Hope that helps.
You should stay away from stocks entirely and stay WAY the hell away from penny stocks. Stick to good mutual funds and concentrate on school.
You have a good one
Yes you should cuz at your age you can bump up like two girls sleeping in the same blanket on the floor.
you should get 100 to 350 kk.
Don't worry I don't mean anything with the girls thing!
I strongly suggest that you should sell penny stock (IWEB) shares immediately. I have bad feeling about penny stock performs these days.
I am 18, and I have over $22,000 saved up. I am going to college in 4 days.
So far, I have $3,000 invested in mutual fund (VFINX), I have 6 shares of ETF (VOE), 100 shares of Radio Shack (RSH), 100,000 shares of penny stock (IWEB), 33,333 shares of (MCET), and 200 shares of (SLTD).
Should I invest in serious XM, and If i should, how many shares should I buy?