Minors cannot open brokerage accounts precisely because you don't know what you're doing. A parent can open an account for you if they're cool with you throwing away $300.
I shouldn't say this but stock options are an investment vehicle that could generate such a return. But, you're too young and have a lot to learn before taking on such risk. Your parents will also have to open an account for you. If you really want to practice, try with a virtual account, with fake money before destroying your principal.
You are too young and don't have enough money to make it work.
It's going to cost you roughly $20 to buy a stock and then sell it later. That's almost 7% of your $300.
The amount of your fees already exceeds the maximum you should be willing to lose on a trade.
You should look at the stock market in terms of percentages, not dollar value. Growing your portfolio from $300 to $6,000 is a 2,000% gain, which takes years of consistently wise investment decisions to accomplish.
It's good that you're interested in investing at an early age, however the way your question is worded shows that you are very new to the stock market. Before putting your money at risk, you first need to ask your parents if they'd be willing to open a brokerage account in their name for you to invest in.
Also you need to do some research and learn basic accounting, finance, stock market, and fundamental analysis principles. Investopedia.com has a lot of free articles on the aforementioned subjects.
Only after you're more familiar with the way the market works would I suggest taking to your parents about opening an account.
Hope this helps.
At 14 you can't get a brokerage account. For under $2k you can't get a brokerage account. Without a brokerage account, you can't invest in stocks (practically speaking). Some people consider collectibles an investment. For $300 you could by a rare coin or stamp.
Yes you can buy low cost stocks and hope they do well. Check etrade. However a parent may have to sign up as I'm sure they are unable to do business with minors.
Check utube and do some homework on stocks.
Concentrate on your studies and get good College education in the subject which you like. Then you may try for share trading / investment.
I also would like to invest money and get a 2000% return with no risk please.
im 14 and have around 300 dollars. i would like to invest in stocks. i dont want to invest in penny stocks, is there anyway i could somehow start of low and get up to 6000 dollars? if not besides penny stocks what else is their to invest in?