> This is not a discount stock broker ?

This is not a discount stock broker ?

Posted at: 2014-12-05 
I'm earning good money with this binary option signal sofrware ( http://forexsignal.kyma.info ) What I'm going to show you now might irritate old-fashioned traders who can't accept that a piece of software can outperform what they have learned through many years of trial and error

You cann't argue, and there's no one you can complain to. The only way the firm "hid" it from their customers if you had ask them for a comission schedule and all charges were not included.

Trade value is not the only critieria for charging commissions. a lot depends on where the stock is traded, how many executions did it take fo fill your order, the price of the stock, and the market in which it trades. There's too many variables to properly respoind to your question.

You can go to the firm's compliance dept in writing and state you complaint. If they published their schedule, there no must you an do.

if it was a penny stock, the charges may be legitimate and correct. More info needed.

it looks like you got charged $0.025 per share.

Make sure that you selected correct payment schedule - flat rate per trade and not per share.

their contact info could be found at


questrade is charging $150.00 , about for a trade value of about $6,000.00 , this is ridiculus cause that would end up costing me $300.00 minimum and possibly hundreds more id the value of the stock soars higher , years ago trade freedom charged $10.00 for this same trade value so questrade claims to have low trading fees , that is false ... as my experience shows me so .

how can i argue and to who can i complain to about this false claim that questrade hides from it's clients ?