> Wanting to invest into the S&P 500 but i live in Australia?

Wanting to invest into the S&P 500 but i live in Australia?

Posted at: 2014-12-05 
Do you have a brokerage account? Fidelity is a top US broker with a global presence that includes Australia. Macquarie is a globally known Aussie broker. Both worth your consideration.

The S&P 500 is a stock index based on large US firms. The way you invest in it is via mutual funds or ETFs (Exchange Traded Funds), ideally a low cost index (tracker) version. If you contact Fidelity or Macquarie, you should also ask about currency risk of investing outside your home country.

The link below certainly looks like an Aussie traded S&P 500 Index ETF. You might find that it satisfies your needs. I expect you could also find a mutual fund that would suffice.

Wanting to invest into the S&P 500 but i live in Australia?

I have $400,000 AUD sitting in my bank account doing nothing, and i was wanting to invest ~$1000 per month into the S&P 500 for many years from now into the future, however i am having a few major barriers.

Before reading my barriers, please note that i have never invested into anything in my life, never bought a stock, nothing, so i have 0 knowledge on all of this, so please respond as simple as possible!

#1) I currently live in Australia, and it is my understanding that the S&P 500 is an American thing, so is it even possible for me to invest money into the S&P 500?

#2) Most importantly, how do i even invest $1000 a month into the S&P 500, what do i buy? Where do i buy it? Please link me to websites that i can buy these 'stocks' from.

Any more information that i should now about investing, please let me know!