> Ways to pay my parents back for concert tickets?

Ways to pay my parents back for concert tickets?

Posted at: 2014-12-05 
Great opportunity to start a babysitting, house cleaning or dog walking business. Make a half-page flyer on your computer, print it out on colorful paper and take it around your neighborhood.

Do you work?

You make it sound like the "lender" is a complete stranger, or you took out a formal loan from a bank. Talk to your parents about how to pay them back (does it have to be in the form of money?), When you agreed to borrow this sum, did they give you ideas about compensation? (repaying them)

Hi guys! My parents have bought me concert tickets for almost $2000!!!! They said that I had to eventually pay them back for it (which I agree with 100%) but I want to do it as soon as possible so I don't have it hanging over my head for too long. I mean I know that it is going to take a while to pay back that kind of money but I am having a really hard time thinking of ways to do it. I have nothing to sell (that I own) so I'm looking for things that I can make or services that I can provide that will help me earn the $2000 to pay them back! Ideas, experience and links to websites would be helpful.

Thanks in advance!
