Investing triples your money in a decade
Gambling triples your money overnight (anything less than a few years is the same as "overnight")
My question(s): How much do you have to "invest" (gamble)?
How soon do you want the money "back"?
When I was 18 (in 1968), I had $3,000. to "invest". Gasoline was 28 cents a gallon, I had already bought my first car, 1967 Mustang. it cost $2,500. and my job paid little more than 85 cents an hour.
I bought "speculative" stocks and in less than 2 years, all that money was "gone". If I HAD ONLY bought Coca-Cola, my favorite drink at the time, reinvested the dividends, added to it at every opportunity, and today I would be sitting on "hundreds of thousands" of dollars. But instead, I "gambled" and lost (pretty quickly, I might add)
Before you "buy" anything. Study Warren Buffett's approach. (in a nutshell, buy (high) quality, reinvest the dividends, and hold forever.)
Investing is a long term proposition. Hit and Run is best left to gamblers.
If you want a stock tip, though, consider Facebook (FB). The mobile market is expected to be huge. According to the "experts" FB is positioned to make a "ton". (I bought some, but I have been wrong before)
When you are young and have little cash to invest, the best thing to invest in is a very small service business that you operate. Figure out some service you can provide for people, be it the standard stuff like lawn mowing or something more sophisticated like helping local small businesses establish a stronger online presence. Then get some business cards printed, they are cheap online, some fliers printed and away you go. The biggest asset you have at your age is time on your hands and a high energy level.
If you are in UK, you will get minimal interest on 2 day return. Investments should be in a pooled funds (so one company's bad results wont bomb your funds),Maybe you should decide to invest the part of your funds you know you wont need and keep the rest in a regular bank account.
i want to invest in something , to bring me back money , i don't have alot of money , where can i put my money to get them back (i don't want them back in 2 days or something ) with more money ??