As polar vortex says, maybe for these kinds of business they could be the new caterers, or a laundry company (as you might imagine, hospitals, hotels and motels get through a LOT of laundry just in washing all that bed linen! Of course they have to change the sheets every time there's someone new in the bed).
Accounts consist of a Profit & Loss account and a Balance sheet.
The P&L shows how the profit/loss was made during the year. The balance sheet shows the state of the company on a certain date (all the assets balance with all the liabilities)
No, they may be catering suppliers, gardeners, laundry contractors etc. who have won the contracts to supply those businesses you mentioned. Maybe they are an accounting firm hired to do the financial books.
I don't think it's in the context of say a 'bank account' (or maybe it is?) but I was reading a paperback novel and i read the following....
"We got the Central Hospital account this year, as well as the mental institution and three new motels".
We 'got' the hospital account? does it mean.... they bought the hospital and therefore now 'own' the hospital and mental institution or something? help please.. what is meant by account, i don't understand!