No one can (or should) give you a definitive response to this question. I agree with Ryan - what is your definition of a "cheap" stock.
To give some one half way decent investment advice one needs to the age of the person, the persons income, total expenses, and more of their personal information - you provided none oif this. No one with sound investing experience will provide you with a definite answer, you'll only receive specific advice from those who are not qualified to give any advice.
Also with only three hundred dollars you should not be buying any stock.especially stocks recommended by unknowns.
First you need to learn what a "cheap" stock is. To people who know what they are doing, a $50 stock can be considered cheap and a $5 stock can be expensive. Stock price alone means nothing to determine is a stock is cheap or not. If that went over your need to rethink your investing strategy.
Cheap..... was (is) not buying a few books and learning about investing &/or trading. If your definition of cheap is stocks selling under $5 a share.... then congratulations.... you're making the number one first mistake of new investors.
I rarely buy stocks under $5 a share. Most successful traders and investors don't go near them for one basic reason: They want to make money.
BTW: Typical mistake #2 is taking (or giving) stock tips.
All of them; the stock market is down a lot today.
i opened an account and i deposited $300, what is the best cheap stock i should buy?