> What should people invest their money into?

What should people invest their money into?

Posted at: 2014-12-05 
Entire books have been devoted to this question; thousands of them, available for free at your local library.

We are not fortune tellers. There is no Secret or single Answer to your question.

Investing is a process of learning and applying that knowledge to your situation, your risk level, your time frame, according to your resources. How would we know those things, and how could we possibly teach you everything you need to know in every situation in this little box?

Knowledge is power, or you can do without both. Opinions about the future are pointless.

Start with a good beginner book about investing, like Investing for Dummies and the Millionaire Next Door. It will be the best investment you can make.

From my heart I believe people should invest into small businesses, family owned businesses! I guess you can say I come from a long line of entrepreneurs. For example, my great grandmother and her husband on my moms side ran their own corner store in North Carolina for over 20 years. From them I have many cousins and aunts who have their own bakery, churches, some are authors, and directors of many independent films. 4 years ago I decided to give it a go and now I operate my own Jewelry Boutique, gift & flower basket shop online, as well I'm a wine consultant who does FREE wine tastings.

I understand the fear of many online these days when they see anyone post a link anywhere they automatically assume it's a scam. To respect those people I will not post a link here but I do invite all who are either looking for new places to shop or want more information on starting your own business (and no it doesn't have to be one of mine) to reply to this post and then I will either share my companies with you or just give you some useful tips.

~Stop Making Large Corporations Larger....Help out your neighbor instead~

Invest yourself. Study, explore and enjoy the life.

Gold. Precious metals are forever valuable. Stocks and paper money will eventually fail.

The poor