> What was your worst investment/speculation?

What was your worst investment/speculation?

Posted at: 2014-12-05 
Painful to relate. But every investor has an "if only I had" story.

In 1968, I was 18. Had $3k for investments. Gasoline was 28 cents a gallon. My job paid me 85 cents an hour (plus tips - another $2. or so a day) And I had bought a brand new 1967 Mustang for $2500.

I took the 3k and bought speculative stocks and within 2 years it was all gone.

IF ONLY I HAD bought Coca Cola (my favorite drink at the time) reinvested the dividends, added to it from time to time and held on until today. I missed out on ten of thousands (if not more) of growth and dividends. I sure could use that money today!

just for laughs, what was your worst Investment or speculation? I personally bought call options on fcel. I was up 70% heading into earning and I got emotionally attached. The Market closed earnings came out and they were bad. I sold the next day at a loss. About 24 hours later the stock was back up. :/ I'm an @sswhole for not cutting out with 70% in a week and a half, but anyway. your turn.