> Whot or how to invest 20k?

Whot or how to invest 20k?

Posted at: 2014-12-05 
Depends on things like; how long you want to invest, and what risk level you decide on. Without risk, there is very little chance of making a decent profit. Savings accounts are low risk, and low interest rates. I suggest using the maximum ISA investment allowance for this tax year of £15,000 in a Managed Fund or Corporate Bond Fund, Invest £10 -12 thousand (not in an ISA), for 12 months - you can then open another ISA, if you decide to. The remainder can go in a savings account, for easy access. You should consider getting advice from an independent professional adviser (IFA), you pay a fee, but could be worthwhile.

Invest in spelling lessons

Make an appointment to see an 'independant financial advisor' to discuss suitable investing that will give you a monthly tax free income - they charge a fee for their services, but it is worth it if you are new to investing.

Just wun 20k on lotto. Lucky i no. Anyway rather than just spend spend spend. Im trying to make a investment or sumthing like that. Iv looked in buy2 lets but dusent appel 2 me. Whot im asking 4 is senicble advice coz in 2 year time this wud b all gone. Iv heard issas are going up 2 15k in july. I am a risk taker and cud easilz blow it all at casino. Any advice welcome plz.