> 529 college plan investing?

529 college plan investing?

Posted at: 2014-12-05 
If you have your 529 account like to a savings/checking account and set up auto-invest, it will automatically put in $140 on the 10th of each month. However, if you missed a step somewhere along the line, they will be unable to do this automatically.

As with any investments, there are risks involved. If the economy stays its current course, then yes, it will slowly grow as the years go by. However, if we experience a major market crash/recession/depression, there is risk of you losing all the money you've put into it. Having said that, it is best to evaluate your account periodically, maybe 2x a year, and make sure everything is going OK.

I have recently opened up a 529 account on fidelity and I have set it up to invest every month on the tenth $140.00 into that account. So I have two questions for you

1) will it automatically put one forty into the account every month on the tenth or I have to go do this online

2) will this money eventually grow after a few years of investing