> Are you planning for your retirement?

Are you planning for your retirement?

Posted at: 2014-12-05 
You hear these sayings, on TV for example, of people investing well so they can enjoy a great retirement. I just can't understand the concept. To me it sounds like planning to die.

You're not "planning to die". The concept of retiring is so you don't have to work until you die. If you want to quit work when you're 65, where is your income going to come from? It's hard to save enough money to last you 20 years to live comfortably. That's why you plan ahead. Get in a 401K and/or Roth IRA plan. That way what you put into the plan your employer will match so you'll get twice the money and earn money while your money is in savings. Save enough money and you can quit work sooner. Don't plan right and you'll have to work until you're 80 and retire dependent on others' money.

You hear these sayings, on TV for example, of people investing well so they can enjoy a great retirement. I just can't understand the concept. To me it sounds like planning to die.