> Can you get rich without owning a business/investing?

Can you get rich without owning a business/investing?

Posted at: 2014-12-05 
Yes but you would need to work really hard, be really good, and move up in a company over the years. Many do that though, eventually though investing will be a big part of that as 401K and IRA is part of everyones life.

Sure, you can inherit a fortune and get rich that way. That's at least part of how the Koch Brothers, Donald Trump, and Richard Mellon Scaife did it.

You could also rob a bank if you think you can avoid getting caught. That's definitely a long-shot though.

You can also marry into money.

Another way--you can be a famous movie star or sports figure. A prominent doctor can get pretty rich without necessarily being an investment genius also (a lot depends on what you mean by "rich". Another way--you could be a politician on the take.

Also--you could win the lottery, or get exceptionally lucky in Vegas.

One way you CANNOT get rich--just being an ordinary Joe and working your butt off honestly your whole life.

You have to create an app or something technology based. Everyone has a little business savvy. The best ivy league business schools are the streets.


marry it

you could invent something, sell the patent, and become rich that way.

Everywhere I look, I see rich people who are either business tycoons or investment geniuses, sometimes both. Well, I'd love to get rich too (who wouldn't?), but I don't know a damn thing about investing, nor do I want to own a business. So, is it even possible, or is the only way to become a millionaire the "classic" way? I pondered this and came up with zilch, so I now turn to the Internet community.