No. Think about it. You have an OPTION TO BUY SHARES. How can you get a dividiend. You only get dividends on shares. An OPTION is just that: an OPTION TO BUY SHARES.
Why am I shouting?? 'Cos it is SO SIMPLE and you are still asking the question!
Options are a derivative "investment". You do not receive a dividend if you hold an option. Dividends are paid by companies to their equity shareholders, so to be paid a dividend you need to hold equity shares in the company.
nope this doesn't work the way regular stocks do. I guess you're talking about binary options. You just get 90% of your investment if you guess the commodity trends right otherwise you lose all of it. My friend traded in them after gathering some tips from this DVD but he couldn't really make much. These are mostly scams so I suggest you invest your money elsewhere.
A call option that pays dividends would be something like convertible preferred stock. All derivatives are available for a price. Want a call that pays you equity dividends? I can price that and sell it to you.
Do you receive dividends after buying a call option? Thanks in advance, ive never traded options before.