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> Finance stock question?!?
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Which site is best to start buying stocks? I don't have a lot of $ to invest. No more than $200-$300.?
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Crisp Cookware’s common stock is expected to pay a dividend of $3 a share at the end of this year (D1 = $3.00)?
Finance stock question?!?
Finance stock question?!?
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You have the following constant growth stock: ks = 11, g is constant at 6% for the first 21 periods; g then changes to a constant value of 8% to infinity. P120 = $249,306.28. At what period is price = $97.30?
Account earns nominal rate of 4% yearly. Withdrawals made at $8000 per yr. If withdrawals are made continuously what is
What is the appropriate reorder point?