> Generally, are mutual funds safe?

Generally, are mutual funds safe?

Posted at: 2014-12-05 
How likely are you to lose your investment if you invest in a mutual fund over a 45 years period? Also, could you name some save mutual funds with relatively high percentage rates?

40 years ago I invested several thousand dollars with a no-load mutual fund named Beacon Hill, out of Boston, MA. They went broke and I lost all.

It does happen. I don't remember the details of why they went broke. I was just a stupid kid (now I am a stupid adult)

There has never been a 45 year period in which a balanced portfolio of stocks and bonds has lost money.

You do not want to invest in mutual funds with "high percentage rates".

You want to invest in an APPROPRIATE mutual fund with good long term performance.

if you are investing for retirement, consider a Target Date Fund from T. Rowe Price, Fidelity, or Vanguard.

Mutual fund is one of the long term fund and it is risky one.A mutual fund is a type of professionally managed collective investment scheme that pools money from many investors to purchase securities.It is includes more profits as well as more loss.

It depends on what type of mutual funds you are investing ,, if its equity one then its not much safer but its safer compare to direct invest in the stock market.

Nothing is completely safe even cds can allow you to lose money due to low interest rates

How likely are you to lose your investment if you invest in a mutual fund over a 45 years period? Also, could you name some save mutual funds with relatively high percentage rates?