> How did warren Buffett become so wealthy?

How did warren Buffett become so wealthy?

Posted at: 2014-12-05 
Why doesn't he give his wealth away and fix up USA health and the poor?

Its reaily good thinking to earning wealth .By using various search engine you can easily earn money.

He got wealthy by making very good investments that have paid off handsomely. He has already donated billions of dollars from his personal new worth. He has pledge to donate the bulk of his assets to charity (primarily to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation). He and Bill Gates have encouraged other billionaires to donate their assets as well.

Why don't you give away YOUR wealth?

When it's your money, you can do whatever you want with it. When it's someone else's money, it's really none of your business.

Why doesn't he give his wealth away and fix up USA health and the poor?