You can't succed in binary trading without a strategy, a good method to follow and some kind of software support. They program I use is called "Autobinary signals". It helps finding loopholes for guaranteed returns. It's very easy to use and I'm earning good money. You find all the details on this site:
Buy high quality dividend paying stocks (T, PG, JNJ, XOM) reinvest the dividends Add to them on a timely basis and retire wealthy.
(you do have to WATCH your stocks - remember Xerox, Sears, Polaroid, Washington Mutual, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, AIG - seemingly strong stocks collapse from time to time)
a beginner shouldnt
What they should do is some virtual trading
just make a spreadsheet
pick a stock and then invest money virtually on the spreadsheet
(i,.e just decide how much you are going to invest (or how many shares you are going to buy) - look at the buying price and work out how many shares that would buy (or how much they have cost you)
Enter that on the spreadsheet together with the buying costs
When you decide to sell then decide how many, look up the selling costs work out how much you have made(lost) and enter that on the spreadheet adding in the selling costs
Do this with as many stocks as you like and as much money as you like over a period of say 6 months and see how well you do (I guarantee you will lose money)
When you have got used to dealing/picking shares and are happy thats the time to start using real money.