> ISA settlement date?

ISA settlement date?

Posted at: 2014-12-05 
I am pretty sure you cannot transfer shares "as stock" into an ISA (at least not under the current rules). The shares have to be sold, cash put into the ISA and then shares bought back in the ISA. This can be done in the same instance (called a 'bed & ISA') and there may be a concessionary commission rate).

Ask your broker, it is difficult to understand what exactly your problem is as you have not expressed yourself clearly.

Hello i have transferred my existing shares to my isa using the "as stock" function, It appeared like the shares had been sold as 3000 pounds was made available in my fund and share account. However It also appears like a purchase order had been made in my ISA. What i have done is buy shares with the amount made available on my fund and share account and now there isn't enough funds in order to complete the purchase on my ISA

Are there any penalties for me not being able to complete the transaction? Will I have to pay interest? How will my broker handle me not being able to provide enough funds for the settlement date?