> I need help with investing math?

I need help with investing math?

Posted at: 2014-12-05 
number of share purchased: $5,000 / 0.69 = 7,246.37...assuming you can't purchase fractional shares, round to 7,246 shares

7,246 * $21.50 = $155,789

...all of this assumes no fees (e.g. commissions on the buy / sell)

when the sahre course is 69 dollar cent then it is a penny stock and do not invest in any penny stock thus shares anoted at an american stock market for the exact rules read the rules foundable on the site of the nyse or nasdaq

(amount to spend for an investment - the fee ) / the bying course = amount of shares

amount of shares * ( highest coursemoment - buying moment ) = actual gain or lost

If i invest 5000 dollars into a stock costing .69 cents, how many shares will I have? Then propose that these shares increase to 21 dollars 50 cents and I sell at this price, how much money will I have?