go to yahoo finance and put in INVN and study the stock, then look at the chart, then study other companies like INTC, AMD, XLNX, and DRWD
nVidia's stock ticker is NVDA, while AMD's is, well, AMD.
Unfortunately, both of them are doing poorly. They dropped a lot within the last two days, while Intel continues to rocket up.
I think what's causing this disparity is the fact that Intel's broadening; providing more mainstream manufacturers with internal GPUs that are improving in performance, essentially cutting down costs for those companies to manufacture pre-built computers.
Sure, pre-built computer sales are dropping, however, Intel profits from the initial sales, not the resales. And everyone needs CPUs anyway, so they get the bulk of the market.
Anyways, I'm just speculating. I would just jump on the Intel bandwagon for the time being, since they're doing well.
To invest in them, you need to open up an account with a bank or brokerages, and simply buy their shares, taking note of the commissions fees. Then, you just hold onto your position, and sell when you think you've gained enough.
Why Nvidia or AMD? This is the question you have to understand before putting your money at risk.
The stock market can be thought of as a business. Before placing your money in a business, you'll want a reasonable expectation of it growing in the company you're about to invest in. Unless you do your research on how the company is currently valued in the market, its future earning projections, its competition, and its book value; you'll be putting your money at risk without rhyme or reason.
If you're truly interested in stock investing you need to understand basic accounting, finance, and fundamental analysis principles. There's a multitude of books and websites on the subject. Investopedia.com is a good (and free) place to start.
I want to invest in something like nvidia or amd gpu manufactures and I dont know how. Any pointers.