An investment banker that has passed the exam is licensed and able to begin buying and selling on a client's behalf.
" Looking after high net worth individuals." Not what investment bankers do but I'm sure Katie has lots of insight.
Investment banker is a totally lousy job except they pay which is fantastic. Every investment banker I know is wildly overqualified to make silly spreadsheets and sell underwriting services, guys who should be curing cancer hawking lawyer services. The hours stink, the job stinks, there is no satisfaction. But you can make huge money.
1st of all, an investment banker is a salesperson. You want to take speach as well as any economics classes that are available. There is much more but start with these. Hours will vary as to the client needs. You will not just sit in an office. You will need to prospect for customers and work with them at their convenience.
It is very difficult to get your foot in the door at a reputable investment bank. You need to look and act the part. Very glamorous lifestyle but lots of responsibility. Looking after high net worth individuals.
dont major in that,, its a just a dream for most. the jobs are in healthcare, law enforcement, teaching,, and they will all be retired by the time you find a job in all that.
Can anyone give me insights as what it would like to be an investment banker?
(example,day to day work schedule). Also what steps are best to take from high school to get into this field ( i know this is a very vague question but include what ever you like) Thanks.