Either YOU are a "business genius" (and we are all wondering why you are on Yahoo!Answers instead of off somewhere becoming a billionaire), OR everybody is well-aware of what you are saying, understands that's just what ANY business seeking to maximize its profits does, and so takes actions themselves (like paying bills promptly!) to avoid the "tiny penalty"...
Why don't you?
(The solution is to pay your bills electronically by bank transfer, just like the majority of people)...
Really bad luck Sridhar
Of late the Reliance Telecom have adopted a novel method of fleecing the mobile subscribers. Even when the subsrciber deposits the cheque much in advance even a week before the due date, the Reliance Gallary staff and the Collection Agents jointly make the cheques vanish permanetly or atleast for 10-15 days period and re-surace,making an excuse for the Reliance to charge you Late Fee When you complain the Customer Dept. they waive the late fee and reuest you to clear the bill with an assurance that the amount collected in exes will be adjusted in the next bill.But when you reeive the next bill you are subected to another shock to find that the late fee waived is once again charged in their next bill.
Perhaps the Reliance staff want to show that they are prompt in collecting the dues from the subscribers who default even though the customes have made the payment very much in advance. Also there is a probability of the Reliance staf colluding with the Collection Agents in unauthorisedly pledging the Customers' cheques to raise short term funds.
fromt the grey market The Reliance Staff is misusing/ manipuating the funds at their disposal in trust. There is no resonse from the Customers Service Dept. on this issue.
Can any one find a solution for his problem?.