NO, the quantities are hundreds/lots.
so "WMT ASK 74.15/23 " mean 2300 shares are for sale at 74.15
WMT is a widely-held stock so for any order of 100 shares
liquidity will not be an issue.
Im new to the stock market and have been trying to form a strategy for a couple weeks now. I opened a Scottrade account and have been monitoring different stocks but ran into what seems to be a problem today. Say for example I have 100 shares of Walmart stock and want to sell them all in one trade order for $73.15. Well when I went to make a trade order I would put a limit sell order of $73.15 for 100 shares. Scottrade shows though that the Bid/Size is $73.14/11 and Ask/Size is $73.15/15. Im interpreting this as currently there is only enough demand to sell 11 stocks of Walmart at $73.14 and there is only enough supply to buy 15 stocks at $73.15. If this is true how would you sell/buy lot sizes of 100 (or 1000 if you have the money) on only one trade order? This also confuses me because I was previously told that large companies, such as Walmart, will trade stocks on the scale of tens of thousands everyday. Any tips on selling lot orders of this size or clarification on how this supply/demand works?