> Short term fixed deposit Vs long term?

Short term fixed deposit Vs long term?

Posted at: 2014-12-05 
I think long term Fixed deposit investment is better than the short term Fd. Know more and also compare FD Interest Rates before applying for it@ http://www.bankbazaar.com/fixed-deposit-...

If you are talking about the investment then always go for the long term , long term will give you more benefits compare to short term

Long term deposit is more profitable than short term deposit.

What are the disadvantages of short term over long term. Short term return is like 7-7.5% for as minimum of 7 days whereas for long term 9-9.75% for a year. Is there any limitations like should only invest once for 10-15 days per account or u can repeatedly invest and use the interest amount. Kindly lemme know where am getting wrong.