To be a stockbroker, you need to be licensed by the state. To be licensed, you need to pass two exams.
It would definitely help if you investigated the requirements before you set out to try.
If you are broker material you should be telling us how you walked into a broker's office, got a job as a trainee and are now their top earning salesman.
If you THINK you can do it then you CAN do it!
Broking is about confidence. Confidence is not asking other people if you can do it!
You have nothinbg to loose, at least you're trying.
Since what you're doing is done everyday of the week, soemtimes it pays off, other times you just keep moving
Ask to see the sales manager, make sure you get heir name, give them your speech and try to sell yourself and always get the name of another sales manager with another firm. (everybody in NYC knows everybody). If you go to the next firm, nasme drop the first person you talked to and so on.
You will have to put together a resume regardless of how weak it may by, human resources loves rsumes even though they don't understand them but play the game.
Good luck making the rounds and thank you for your service
I live in NYC and was wondering would it be wise just to walk into one of these firms out here and just ask for a trainee position. I have zero experience with sales. Only thing I got is military experience. But that shouldn't matter. I also have no degree. I feel sending a resume would never get me anywhere with my credentials. But I'm sure if I'm able to talk person to person they can see what I could bring to the table. What are your thoughts on this. Also have you ever heard of anyone doing this. Thanks