Just to make things clear here I am not a broker nor do I consider myself an expert in the stock market and anything I say should not be considered expert advice, but used for informational purposes only. Please consult an attorney if you seek legal advice, and while every attempt is made to provide accurate information, do not assume any information provided to be correct without verifying with a specialist of the particular subject matter.
I recently left my former employer for another job but I still have stocks in my former employer's stock program in my Computershare account. I want to transfer my stocks to my ScottTrade account with my other stocks but I have a few questions:
1.) The stock has a "transfer restriction" that expires in 2015. Does that mean I can't transfer my stocks to my Scottrade account until the restriction is over? Or does that mean I can't sell my shares until the restriction is over?
2.) When I transfer the stocks, will any of my ex employer's terms still be in effect? Like for example, I can't sell a stock until a certain time passes? Or since I no longer work for that company and my stocks are out of their Computershare account, I'm free to do whatever I want with them including selling them as soon as the transfer is complete to buy different stocks?