Also, what do the lines coming off the candlesticks represent?
Question for you; WHY do you believe candlestick charts will tell you ANYTHING at all useful?
"Charting" is just you think analyzing the numbers of past lottery winners tells you anything useful about picking numbers to improve your odds?
Ignore charts, and buy a large enough basket of quality stocks that the few losers that will inevitably fail do not impact your long-term plan...
"Charting" stocks is a little like recording whether you are still breathing when you wake up each morning...and then concluding that because you have such a long-term trend of "still being alive" you can be confident you will live forever!
That's not how reality works!
(The red means it closed lower than it opened, and the white represents the "real body"'s ALL completely bogus)
When looking at candlestick charts, why are some red and some white?
Also, what do the lines coming off the candlesticks represent?