An aggressive portfolio is recommended for people as young as you. Ultimately, you want to gain financial independence as soon as possible.
Penny stocks are the most profitable (and also the most risky) types of investment. If done right, no other investment vehicle promises such returns. BUT: You have to know what you are doing! Educate yourself, and you will be on your way.
Penny stock educational website:
Penny stock books:
Very good and very cheap penny stock newsletter with picks and tons of educational material:
Before investing you should learn about the basics of market..
Buy a kilo of coke sell it and make 3 times the amount back then do it one more time and invest in something legal,
online broker, stay away from bonds, bond funds, stick with blue chip companies and diversify if you want to get into other areas outside blue chips
Keep it under the bed!
I have $30,000 i want to invest, I'm 18 and have no knowledge in finance or investment and i would like to know how i should be going about investing my money to the best possible way.