> What is this fund's expense ratio?

What is this fund's expense ratio?

Posted at: 2014-12-05 
Your getting robbed in this fund. It has an expense ratio

of 1.05% and a load of 5,75%,making a total of 6.80% on

all investments. If you are already invested in this fund,

just leave it alone and don't invest anymore into it. The

performance of the fund has just been fair. Better mutual

fund companies are Fidelity , Vanguard or TR Price.

You can just go to the Franklin Templeton website where they report the 1.05%.....

I currently hold a fund (FFALX), but I am currently trying to eliminate my funds with high expense ratios. I can not find a definitive answer as to what this fund's expense ratio is.

Morningstar: says expense ratio is 1.05%


Franklin Templeton themselves: 1.05%


Bloomberg: 0.39%


Marketwatch: .39%


And finally, the one that REALLY raises questions, Yahoo! Finance. They claim that FFALX has a prospectus expense ratio of 1.05% and an annual report expense ratio of 0.39%.


If the fund has an expense ratio of 1.05%, I will probably trade it for something more efficient, but if it is .39%, I will probably keep it.
