> What value does bit coin mining create?

What value does bit coin mining create?

Posted at: 2014-12-05 
Ray you partially answered the question, David you did not address the question at all (at least what I read the OP asking). He did not ask what value the bitcoin has as a currency, he asked what value the work of bitcoin mining adds to society. Bitcoin mining works on a mathmatical scheme to solve cryptoalgorhythm equations....What value does this have on society as a whole? Does it contribute to making new medications? Astro travel? is it actually used in new crypto-algorhythm software? or does this equation solving just sit there with no real purpose other than to make people go out and spend money on fancy rigs to mine for the value reward of the bitcoin.. yet the work of mining produces no real society value.... I am also searching for that answer ;)

What value does the US Dollar "create?" It is simply a means of transaction.

You are confused and your question is off point. A currency does not "create" value, but rather is a means to "measure " value. But a bitcoin has no real value or means to measure value. If they were to base it on the gold standard, then it would have real value. A currency is normally valued by the economy and GDP it facilitates.

Not sure about your tirade about math.

If you can't add two plus two, how can you measure value? How could you build a bridge without it falling down if you can't add two plus two? How could you send a spaceship into orbit without calculus?

How would you know you have a million dollars if you can't add two plus two?

With any form of currency you have to have control on the supply otherwise you could just keep printing money. A mathmatical problem is as good as any (or even better?) The value is that it is a currency (of sorts) and we know currencies are crucial to trade (unles you want to go back to bartering).

Not sure what your point is exactly

What is solved that is of any value? Who is asking mathematical questions for solutions? Why is a problem in math's solution of any value? I can ask someone to multiply for me, but I'm sure as he'll not going to pay for their answer.

So why is a mathematical solution of any value and who the hell cares?