> Why does my screen freeze on yahoo finance stocks?

Why does my screen freeze on yahoo finance stocks?

Posted at: 2014-12-05 
My problem is the same as (Existing similar Questions)

You have a browser problem. Let me guess, you're using Internet Explorer.

Which browser are you using? Try a different one; Firefox, Google Chrome, etc. Download any one of them for free and give them a try. You can run as many different browsers as you want, even simultaneously.

What add-ins and add-ons and plugins do you have loaded in your browser? Turn them off temporarily, disable them or uninstall them. You will find them on the Tools menu. Do you still have a problem?

Have you done a virus scan recently?

Is your computer updated?

When you say your computer "freezes," does it come out of it on its own or do you have to close the browser or reboot the computer? How do you unfreeze it? That will give us an indication of how frozen it is, if at all, or if it has just slowed down or bogged down.

Does your hard drive light stay on continually or blink rapidly when your computer "freezes?"

Yahoo also has free Firefox download optimized for use with Yahoo.

If you really want help and open communication with others, unblock your Yahoo Answers email. Nobody can see your real email address, and you can block individual people if you have a problem.

My problem is the same as (Existing similar Questions)