> Would apple stock go up in the next 6 month?

Would apple stock go up in the next 6 month?

Posted at: 2014-12-05 
I think 2 things that would really make it go up is if they come out with some type of payment system like paypal, or if they have a wearable device (which I like the idea of a health related device like one that tells you blood pressure, heart rate, etc, while working out). The other thing is if they build out an internet infrastrucure which it sounds like they are now doing but have kept it quiet, those are things that could really spark the stock.

No one can say for sure. If you could say it will definitely go up, everyone in the world would own it. There are some positives, one is that it's underpriced at a 12.7 PE (but it always has had a too-low PE). Most important, they are under pressure from Carl Icahn (a large stockholder) to do a stock buy back, which would probably increase the price.

A friendly bit of advice - DO NOT GAMBLE ON STOCKS IF YOU DO NOT KNOW HOW.

The first thing even a newbie would do is find out The HIGH the LOW and where it currently is.

Then they would google and yahoo news about apple products and microsoft products and sales / lawsuits etc.

You dont just pick one because its famous - that is the quickest way to lose LOTS of money.

You choose one because YOU RESEARCHED IT, YOU RESEARCHED AROUND IT AND WORKED OUT A CONTRACT is about to be announced or a new product launch or they just got a new chief and the value is on the LOW side - then you gamble its going to get higher - you wait until your nerve gives out and then you sell.

No one knows for sure. Stocks do go up and down.

Yea probably

yes. It will go up, it will go down. That's what stock prices do, they fluctuate.