> Anyone like this new format for Yahoo answers?

Anyone like this new format for Yahoo answers?

Posted at: 2014-12-05 
As usual, I agree 100% with you

Here's another example of sites that are designed by techs who have of what the users want or prefer, technically the site may run better on Yahoo's platform, but for users it is more difficult, time consuming and not practical - But as usual, Yahoo doesn't care

Response time is slower when trying to submit response - but once again Yahoo doesn't care.

Also reviewing questions is much slower, espcially when you scroll down/up

It took about 2 weeks for me to response to a question, finally Yahoo made changes - but they still don't care.

Fortunately for you, the Canadian site was the last to change over. I'd been using it for months.

Use of screen real estate is terrible. Navigation is slower. Finding anything takes longer.

Choose a category on the left. Next step is in the middle. If the list of choices is long, there might be a popup, which you might need to scroll. Fails User Interface 101.

There are many threads about the format change in the Suggestions area. Running about 98% negative since the changes started.

no i can't find anything so i went back to yahoo answers canada which hasn't completely switched over yet. i most def do not like the new format.

I thought I would post this here....get responses to the poll then cross post it to Yahoo Products.

I don't really like this new format myself.

1. I think it is a waste of space posting not only the title of the question but most of the answer.

2. there are no "pages" designation....It might be my computer but I cannot get the page to update with more questions when I reach the bottom....it gets hung up there.

I could probably think of more issues but I will leave it to those that answer pro/con