Could I still profit even if I lose on the other trade?
You're talking about an options spread. Unless the stock is volatile enough that it will reach the strike prices of both contracts, the key to profiting is to make sure you close your losing position at a minimum loss, but only after you've definitely confirmed that the stock is heading in one particular direction.
Alternatively, if you chose a longer expiry date, you could pare out the losing contracts, assuming you know that the stock will return back.
I've tried this before, but without much success. It's difficult to ascertain whether a stock is heading in one direction or not. I usually pared out the losing position, which had reasonable results, but it still wasn't a great method of trading options.
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If I think a stock will move $4 per share or more either up or down at a certain point can I make money betting on both?
Could I still profit even if I lose on the other trade?