> Anyone take the 7 recently?

Anyone take the 7 recently?

Posted at: 2014-12-05 
First of all RELAX,

All you need is a 70, after you pass no one cares what you received in the test and it's meaningless as to whether you get the job or not. You test grade does not follow you as anything important, the main concern your employer, or future employer wants to know did you or did you not pass the test.

No firm gives a s..t what grade you received.

The less brokerage experience you have, the better you will do in the test. The test is pure mental masturbation, you answer with what you think they want to hear, many experienced people have a hard time with the test since they know reality and have been removed from the academics of the test.

I've been in the business for over 45 years. I've managed firms, owned my own firm and I found the salesmen are the dumbest things walking upright, the biggest A.H's were the ones that did the best in the test.. You can give an experienced sales rep, the test after a few years and the majority of them would flunk it,

The test has been written by academics, many of whom could not pass the test, so don't worry about trick questions, the writers were not smart enough to figure a trick question out.

Relax, look at the dumbest reps you know and realize, they passed the test. Take your time, don;'t panic (it's not worth it). If you don't know the answer, move on to the next one, you can always go b back and the answer will be there for you.

Good luck RELAX, and when you pass the test, you can buy me a drink or at the very least, have one for me.

Thank you so much. I passed today with a 77. :) :) :) And yes, I had several drinks for you! :)

I'm taking the f--king thing on Tuesday...kinda stressed.

Last week I was scoring in the mid-70s on my practice exams, and in the last couple of days I've been scoring in the low 80s.

Everyone at my firm took it years ago, so I need some current advice.

HOW many suitability questions are there? It seems that this is my weakest point. Because I have a riskier personality, I've been choosing the wrong answer. Are the suitability questions very obvious or are they obscure?

Thanks for your help.