> Are dollars easy to use?

Are dollars easy to use?

Posted at: 2014-12-05 
im going to new York is the money easy to use

sure , its just like any money

prices of items are listed in stores and restaurants so what the price is is what it costs ( plus tax ) , a dollar is divided into 100 cents , 25 cents is a quarter ( 1/4 dollar ) , 5 cents is a nickel and 10 is a dime

the dollar is one of the easiest currencies for foreigners to get used to as long as they know the exchange rate or have an exchange calculator on their smartphone to convert from their own currency and know the price in their money

American cash can be confusing. The bills look pretty much the same with different numbers on them, whereas the coins don't even all have numbers (we just expect you to know that "one dime" is $0.10).

If you have a credit or debit card with a magnetic strip, plan to use that for everything. We don't take chip and pin (EMV) cards.


Everyone takes cash.

Be forewarned however, unlike other countries, all of our bills are the same size and same color.

im going to new York is the money easy to use