> Can I legal expect gold to rent out my house?

Can I legal expect gold to rent out my house?

Posted at: 2014-12-05 
And if you have to do repairs on the said house, as landlord, how are you going to pay the workers? Your play money is useless and not legal tender. Only legal tender may be used as a currency between a landlord and the people renting his house.

Currency is used for trade between two groups. Whatever the two parties choose to make a trade is their own choice, and which medium they agree on is between them. It's just that currency is widely accepted by most traders, because it is backed by a government.

Only currency of the respective country is legal tender.

And who will 'Accept' your money, I wouldn't?

Yes you can use Gold, but again do you know the exchange rate, and how do you accept only part of a gold bar?

I suggest you leave 'fiat money' to those who understand it.

Is it legal if i except anything else other then money (currency of that country) (UK) to rent my house for people to pay for my good/services?

I was thinking if i sold goods or rented out my house i could except something else as the currency e.g my own fake currency printed by me and only accepted buy my business