First, have a column on the first sheet to do a lookup to pull the value from sheet 2.
Use an IF statement to compare the value to the strike price. For example if your strike price is in column F and the value is in column G, the formula in column R would be =IF(F1>G1,"ITM","OTM").
You could also use conditional formatting to color-code the ITM and OTM options
The secret word of trading success is "organized". You can't be successful without a strategy, a plan and some kind of technological support. I use a software called "autobinary signals" that is helping me a lot. There are plenty of them on the market. I recommend this one because it's very easy to use (you don't have to be an expert or have special skills to make money with it).
Check it out here. It's worth it:
You're building a maintenance nightmare. Why re-create the wheel manually, when all of that is done for you, and much more, if you simply download a free trial of a trading platform from any major brokerage that handles options. Why limit yourself to a few strikes? You still won't have implied volatility or a screener or research capability or automatic updates or the superior charting package of a trading platform.
It's really possible to make money with trading online, specially with binary trading. You have just to know where to learn... and I know the best source ( ) This course explain everything you need to start a very profitable trading activity. Before you "learn" to day trade you first must understand the markets, the products traded in the markets and the rules you have to follow to be in the market. You have to learn what to do, why to do it, when to do it and how to do it. If can learn all of this then and only then can you day trade. Before you day trade you must be able to trade. You also need a written sound trading/investment plan with rules that will not only help you but more importantly protect you, mostly from yourself. You also need sufficient trading/investment capital. Use your own money, there’s no need to go into debt so that you can trade/invest. It is more imperative to have a written money management program in place. Remember never invest 100% of your capital into any one security and never have 100% of your capital invested and a good understanding of the rules
Small trick, but it should work.
(Strike - stockPrice) / abs(Strike - stockPrice) either give you -1 or +1 which would be identifier for in the money and out of the money options.
Now, you sum these calculation for all your 6 products and it will be equal 6 when all your product are in the money (all have +1) and it will be equal -6 when all your products are out of the money (all have -1).
I have a spreadsheet with positions for options. I have on sheet 2 reference prices.
In column R I want to be able to show (IN THE MONEY) / (OUT THE MONEY) as a result depending on the following.
IF a Call (shown in column F) and the strike is 1850...The value on sheet two for this product is 1800. Therefore it should show OTM as the strike is above the price in sheet 2 (1800). On the other hand if it was 1851 the strike is above the ref price and its a long call so the R result should be 'ITM).
IF a Put (also shown in column F) and the strike is 1850 then its a long position with the right to sell at 1850 (ref price is 1800) so the result should be 'ITM'. IF the price was 1799 instead then the result should be 'OTM' because the reference price is 1800 so we wouldn't sell the option at 1799 as it is a lower value.
This is quite simple I know but the problem is how do I use a formula which also refers to the product specifically. I have 6 products, AAA, BBB, CCC, DDD, EEE, FFF, and I want to show whether the strikes for each make them in the money according to each of there different reference prices (again 6 in total).
I know this is possible I'm just hoping an expert can help me!