> How can I make $15,000?

How can I make $15,000?

Posted at: 2014-12-05 
You can buy a car for $7,000, but I think your plan is good to buy something more expensive and get a better car. Be sure to do your homework, read the reviews of new and used cars in the April issues of Consumer Reports and at Edmunds.com and maybe take an experienced older person with you to look at cars. You won't be able to legally sign a purchase contract until you are eighteen. I suggest that you keep saving your money and get your car then. The title will then go in your name and nobody else will have a claim to it.

Work. Its prety self explanatory. You answered your own question.

If one job isn't enough, you get two jobs or a higher paying one.

You don't.

You buy a cheaper car.

You will be in college before you make $22k.

"What can I do to make this money?" - work two jobs: most businesses can't afford to let parttimers work more than 30hrs/wk so you'll need two of them to make what you need in that time frame.

This link could set you finacial free


I'm 16 years old and currently saving up for a car. I'm getting a job this summer so that will help. I plan on saving up for a whole year. That will leave me with $7,000. The car I want ranges from $11,000-$20,000. What can I do to make this money? It will be over the course of one year to a year and a half.