> How come Bernanke destroys the economy, then is entrusted with rebuilding it?

How come Bernanke destroys the economy, then is entrusted with rebuilding it?

Posted at: 2014-12-05 
That's like hiring someone who raped you to be your therapist.

How come Bernanke destroys the economy, then is entrusted with rebuilding it?

What did he have to do with it?? He wasn't even chairman then.

Dick Fuld - Lehman Bros.

Jimmy Cayne - Bear Sterns

Stan O'neil - Merill Lynch

Our investment banks caused this & NOT the Bernanke & the Fed.

Thats nothing compared to what obama has done to this country, attacking companies and now they are leaving the U.S. On top of that 18 trillion in debt, he's almost doubled all previous presidents combined.

Benjamin Shalom Bernanke is the worst thing thing that happened to this country and its economy. His 1, 2, and 3 bouts of quantitative easing have put us 18 Trillion in dept to China and others. We will never be able to recover from his reckless monetary policy.


Greenspan is way more to blame than Bernanke.

so you admit that it's NOT Bush's fault?!

It was Wall Street that killed the economy, not Bernanke.

That's like hiring someone who raped you to be your therapist.