> How do I buy shares and invest?

How do I buy shares and invest?

Posted at: 2014-12-05 
To start trading stocks, you need to open an account with a brokerage house such as Scottrade or TD Ameritrade. They will have you fill out some papers, then you can buy or sell stocks online or by phone.

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Here is how stocks work:

Whoever owns the shares of stock are the owners of the public company, no one else. When you buy a share of stock, you are then one of the owners of that company. It could be any of over 13,000 companies that are traded with stock on the open market such as McDonald’s, Coca-Cola, Amazon.com, Ford, Krogers, your local bakery or electric company.

As a company earns money, it becomes more valuable and this value is reflected in the price of its shares on the open market. You can collect this increase in value when you sell your shares for more than you paid for them.

The company’s board of directors makes the major company decisions and decides what to do with its net earnings.

?Some or all of the earnings may be re-invested in the company so it can grow, open new stores or make repairs. When this is done, the earnings money is used up but the company is more valuable by that same amount.

The per share price, having increased because of the earnings, retain that increase when the earnings are re-invested in the company.

?Some or all of the earnings may be given directly to the shareholders and this is called a dividend. They just mail you a check or send the money to your brokerage account. This makes the price of the stock decrease by the same amount as the dividend, so you have the same value in the total of stock and dividends.

Since you are an owner of the company, the members of the board of directors work for you. You can inform the board of your ideas, concerns or recommendations and these carry the weight of your shares.

Each year there is an election and you can vote for the board positions and some special rulings, one vote for each share that you own. If you own at least 51% of the shares then your vote always wins in the election.

You are also protected when you own stock. For instance, if your company gets sued and loses more than it can pay, the law cannot come to you, one of the owners, and confiscate your house or other property. The shares may become worthless, but that is all you can lose.

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If you buy stock hoping that you can sell it for a quick profit because of the daily or monthly swings in price, then you are gambling rather than investing. You are trying to guess better than the public, including professionals, how the price will change.

To truly invest, choose a company that has steady earnings each year instead of losses. If your company has very little long term debt, it will likely not get into financial trouble.

Buy quality stocks and hold on to them. When you hold these over a period of time, the share prices will go up for a real reason - the companies are earning money every year and becoming more valuable. This is not gambling; you are owner of a money making business.

If you save a portion of your income each payday and as it accumulates invest in stocks, over the course of several years you can grow very wealthy indeed. It is like hiring someone to get a job and earn money for you, and then using that money to hire more workers. Your money grows exponentially.

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Start with research for mutual funds and dollar cost averaging. Listen to financial shows. If none in your area look them up using the internet. Read!

Don't ever expect to get rich quick! Maybe with a lucky lottery ticket you can but usually not with stock investing! Invest only what you can afford to lose. Always have a safe amount of money in the bank for a rainy day or when you are out of work first.

There may be seminars in your big cities you can visit. But some are geared to selling stocks so be aware.

Good luck.


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Before you spend $0.01 on any investment, you must know what you’re doing, why you’re doing it and how to do it. Before you invest in any security, the first investment you should make is in yourself, and the best investment you can make is by educating yourself.

Begin your education by learning why you should invest and the importance of being able to make your own decisions or how the pro’s make theirs. Start your education by reading “Investing for Dummies” by Eric Tyson.

To continue your education select some of the following

Beating the Street by Peter Lynch

From Riches to Rags, by I.C. Freeley

How to Make Money in Stocks” by William O’Neil

24 Essential Lessons for Investment Success by William O’Neil

The Intelligent Investor, by Benjamin Graham

Common Stocks, Uncommon Profits, by Philip A. Fisher

One Up on Wall Street by Peter Lynch

Stocks for the Long Run, by Jeremy Siegel

Uncover the Secret Hiding Places of Stock Market Profits by Joel Greenblatt.

What Works on Wall Street by James O'Shaunessey

You Can Be a Stock Market Genius by Joel Greenblatt

Your Money and Your Brain by Jason Zweig

Websites that can provide instructions and help with procedures and terminology are Investopedia - http://www.investopedia.com/ http://www.investorshub.com/ and 1 Source for Stocks - http://www.1source4stocks.com/info/stock... or Smart Money


Visit some of the more professional websites like Zacks Research - http://www.zacks.com/ Schaeffer’s http://www.schaeffersresearch.com/ Investors Business Daily - http://www.investors.com/default.htm?fro...

Some of these web sites will have advertisers who are worth looking into also. And remember, if they offer free information, get it.

And when you think you want to invest/trade, try some paper trading to test your skills without spending you money http://simulatorinvestopedia.com/ http://www.moneyworks4me.com/

and/or http://www.tradingsimulation.com/

You at least have made the right decision to start investing, this is the first big step and it won’t be your last. Keep taking those steps forward and along the way never take the advice from people that are not in the market or try to tell you not to invest.

Good luck on your journey, study hard and you’ll invest well.

1. you get a book from a bookstore like beginners guide

2. you read it

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Buy beginners guide

read, read & read.

Ask questions on what you don't get.


Ask questions.

Sign up with broker

deposit funds.

Decide some sort of strategy

Pick stocls

Read about these stocks

Form own opinion.

Buy if you believe in the stock

Cross fingers.

I've always wanted to learn how to invest and buy shares but would like to know how to or where to start. What must I do or how do I do it? I heard it's quiet complex and one must know how this works so you don't loose your money etc.

Some feedbacks or comments/advice would be much appreciated.
