Also what are the pros if investing?
Start by going to Yahoo Finance for an hour a day, for the next 30 days. Read the articles. Follow the links. Check out the advertisers. With a little study on your part you will know more than 90% of the investors out there.
The Pros: Invest wisely and retire wealthy.
Learn about Warren Buffett, ETF's, Vanguard, Fidelity, Motley
Fool, theStreet, among many others.
If you have no interest in spending the time, then don't buy stocks. Buy US Savings bonds or gold coins.
By the way, frequent trading, selling short, options and penny stocks, for most people, is more akin to "gambling" than "investing". For most novices, "gambling" does not end well
Investing in stocks is a very good way to earn profits. However entering the field as a novice will be a bit confusing. It’s a whole new world & you have to be familiar & up to date with many things. I would advice you to do some research before investing. This will be very helpful for you to not risk your hard earned money. Go through the below site which got lots of important info on how to be successful in stock market, even if you are a novice
I would REALLY stay away from individual stocks until you have much more investing experience under your belt. The best bet at your age is to educate yourself on mutual funds. They are a much better investing vehicle for long term growth without the volatility of individual stocks.
Before you invest any money, get a book on investing for dummies. I made that mistake of jumping right in and lost money. I gained it back later. See if it is your cup of tea. Learn as much as you can so you don't lose big by jumping right in.
you need to think about your goals. first, are you paying yourself first out of each paycheck, are you taking full advantage of a company match on your 401 k program, if the answer was yes to each of these, then consider $2500+ in a discount brokerage account like schwab or tdameritrade or fidelity and get started. but remember to diversify and stay away from bonds which lose value as interest rates rise.
go to fidelity and sign up, i dont remember if there is a minimum amount you have to deposit, it might be 500$ its been awhile since i signed up.
You need to get laid.
Im 22 years old. I was just curious of how to go about doing so. I dont really know much about stock. How do i get started?
Also what are the pros if investing?